Women's Fitness Collective


My name is Renée McCool!
For as long as I can remember sports and
fitness has been a huge part of who I am. I
grew up playing on various sports teams,
running cross country, competing in
triathlons, as well as high level figure
skating. My passion for fitness continued
into adulthood with frequenting many
gyms, various fitness classes, participating
in personal training and coaching several
elementary school teams. I love to run with
my girlfriends and compete in all kinds of
crazy races. When I am not exercising, I
enjoy cheering on my three children at their
sporting events. I love the way fitness
makes me feel! I am by far a better wife and
mother because I make the time for my
health too. My fitness journey continues
with becoming a Certified Personal Trainer
and Group Fitness Instructor, a goal I have
had for myself for over 10 years. I am
excited to motivate others to enjoy fitness
as much as I do. I have been a part of GFS
for 5 years and I am thrilled to be part of
Shelley’s team. Looking forward to
sweating together soon!
“Self-care is not an expense, it’s an
investment! Build your best self yet!”
